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Speech &
Language Therapy
Child Counselling
Learning Difficulties


​Mindful Parenting

Thursday, June 02, 2013


A guide to understanding your child’s emotions.

Pride and Joy

Monday, September 10, 2013


A guide to understanding your child’s emotions and solving family problems.

From the Heart

Saturday, July 28, 2013


​​Psychoanalytic Stories

& Resources

The Hope Center has made the

difference between success and

​failure, understanding and

​confusion, hope and despair,

for our family.



« Oui ou non, directement ou indirectement, voulez-vous être tué ou violenté ? Oui ou non, directement ou indirectement, voulez-vous tuer ou violenter ? » Tous ceux qui répondront non à ces deux questions sont automatiquement embarqués dans une série de conséquences qui doivent modifier leur façon de poser le problème.


Ni Victimes Ni Bourreaux Albert Camus, Combat, 1946


“Do you, or do you not, directly or indirectly, want to be killed or assaulted? Do you or do you not, directly or indirectly, want to kill or assault ?’ All who say No to both these questions are automatically committed to a series of consequences which must modify their way of posing the problem.”


Albert Camus Neither Victims Nor Executioners (Peace Pledge Union) (1947)

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